Welcome To Australian Continental Equestrian Group Inc!
We are proud to be a member of the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses (WBFSH).
The ACE Passport has been added to the list of “FEI approved national identification documents” available on the FEI website as well as on the FEI Database.
This means that this Passport can now be used as a national identification document for FEI horses.
Postal Address:
ACE Group Inc.
PO Box 224
Canungra Qld 4275
Phone: 0436 010 676
email to: [email protected]
ACE Foal/Horse Registration
Registration papers include a Certificate of Pedigree and Birth Certificate and an Ownership Certificate.
ACE issues registration papers when a horse is entered in the ACE studbook or register. The certificate of pedigree is issued as an integral part of the ACE horse passport.
- Each horse registered will receive an ACE Passport (see the section on Horse Passport Contents Guide or Passport )
- As of 01/01/2015, all horses or foals must either be identified by microchip or brand at the time of registration.
- DNA testing is obligatory for all foals and horses at the time of registration as at 1 August 2022.
ACE maintains an open studbook policy allowing horses from other World Breeding Federation of Sport Horses to be entered in the ACE Warmblood or ACE performance horse register. They are then eligible to enter the ACE Warmblood studbook after assessment of their eligibility and ability to maximise the breeding goal of ACE.
No dual registration, certificate, or passport may be issued for these horses and all studbook entries must be entered into the original passport of the horse.
All horses that are a registered as a breed other than ACE and have been issued a passport from a WBFSH recognized breed association will be entered as of their original breed in the applicable ACE studbook or register, after assessment, to be included in the ACE breeding program but remain the breed as that of the studbook they derive from.
Registration papers are documents on the ancestry of a horse. They belong to the horse and remain the property of ACE. If the horse changes owners, these documents must be given to the new owner and returned to the issuing body when the horse dies.
A copy of the registration papers (birth certificate) as well as an ACE horse passport and a certificate of ownership may only be reissued following an application submitted by the person who lost the original document(s) upon presentation of a signed, statutory declaration concerning the loss of the original document(s). Cost $75.00 for members only.
Please post or email the Statutory Declaration to:
The ACE Group Inc.
PO Box 224
Canungra Qld 4275
The copy can only be issued by the body that issued the original document. The copy is to be clearly marked as a copy.
To receive an ACE registration and with
If the dam or sire is not ACE registered but ACE recognised (i.e. DNA profile at Lab) a copy of the breeding has to be submitted (in case of the stallion the DNA profile must be made available for ACE.
If the horse to be registered was produced through embryo transfer the donor mare’s DNA and stallion’s DNA must be made available for ACE.
Four (4) photographs of the horse to be registered have to be submitted (the photographs have to clearly show the horse from both sides with an open leg position as well as the front and the back of the horse. All brands must be visible prior to registration).
In the case of a foal registration, additional photos of the foal with its dam have to be submitted. Alternatively, a signed and completed certificate from a vet confirming the foal’s dam has to be added to the registration application.
Please ensure that all pictures submitted within the registration process are of adequate quality and that the entire horse, including hooves and tip of each ear, are visible.
If your foal or horse has been ACE Assessed, there may be no need for photographs, please reference the assessment number.
Use the online form Foal and Horse Registration
OR Submit via email to [email protected] (download pdf. Foal Registration or Horse Registration )
OR Submit via post – please ensure to keep a copy of all the documents mailed. Download pdf. Foal Registration or Horse Registration
It is NOT a requirement for foals/horses to be assessed prior to registration.
The breeder is responsible for the accuracy of the information on the stallion service certificate as well as any further certificates that the breeder must fill out, submit or maintain. The breeder must check all studbook documents and forms, including registration papers for the correctness of the information.
With the ACE registration of a horse, information about the pedigree, breeder, and owner can be made available to third parties by ACE. Additionally, photos of registered horses may be used for promotional purposes.